This year’s
AppNation in San Francisco brings together leading “App-erati” and tees up the key issues that are impacting their universe. ABUKAI’s CEO, Philipp Schloter, co-anchored a discussion entitled,
“Building the New Enterprise: Deploying Enterprise Apps” on Wednesday, April 27 from 2:20 PM to 2:50 PM as a part of Track 3: MACRO TRENDS ACROSS THE APP ECOSYSTEM. The session is a featured discussion led by Patrick Houston, Editorial Director, NetShelter and featuring Roger Green, Executive Editor, CIO Zone and ABUKAI’s Schloter that frames the questions CIOs are asking as they find that in 2011 their businesses need to deploy apps to stay competitive.
Recent studies show that CIOs not only understand the importance of mobile applications for their companies, but they are taking active steps in 2011 to deploy mobile applications in their businesses. There are several drivers for this trend, but the overarching reason mobile applications are becoming a top priority for CIOs is because they provide substantial cost savings to their companies. Schloter lays out the productivity and integration factors that need to be addressed to maintain and maximize those savings.
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